Link with a Leader
Our Link with a Leader Program is designed to provide targeted students an opportunity to meet and learn about the world outside of school from members of the business community. Graduation coaches at the schools identify students who might be at risk of dropping out of school to participate, and volunteers challenge students to dream big and strive for excellence. These students benefit from connecting with successful role models and have the opportunity to attend events to help inspire them to succeed in college or career. Results indicated a positive impact on empowerment and self-esteem for participating students. This program serves 245 students per year at an annual cost per student of $27.00. Interested in volunteering?
SAIL & Senior Push
Each year in February, North Springs High School and Riverwood International Charter School counselors identify economically disadvantaged students who are on target to graduate, but do not have any post-secondary plans. Trained volunteers present options and assist students with post-secondary applications. SSEF provides funds for application fees as well as SAT/ACT fees for students needing financial assistance. As part of the program, representatives from local post-secondary institutions visit the school. As a result, approximately 84% of the SAIL students at Riverwood and 87% of Senior Push students from North Springs were accepted into colleges or vocational programs in recent years. These programs served 124 students at a cost per student of $40.00. Interested in volunteering?
Business Bridge
This program connects business leaders to requests from our schools. Volunteers may speak at career/industry-centered events and lend their expertise to a particular classroom to enhance a unit of study. SSEF also connects members of our local business community to our students through various SSEF programs, including SAIL/Senior Push, Link with a Leader and After-School All-Stars. In addition, the community collaboration with our local businesses provides opportunities for our students to participate in career fairs, field trips and business sponsored workshops. This program serves 599 students annually at a cost of $12.00 per student. Interested in volunteering?
Cradle to College/Rising Panthers
Our Cradle to College program brings 5th graders from Dunwoody Springs Elementary School to Georgia State University's Perimeter campus. This year, students participated in interactive learning in a chemistry lab and the Nursing Simulation Lab. They also learned about good dental hygiene, did a creative writing exercise in a college classroom and visited the observatory, library and Maker’s Space. This year, 69 5th graders participated and the program also expanded to include 260 Sandy Springs Charter Middle School 7th graders. They enjoyed an introduction to GSU, attended a mini-lecture and learned about student services and dual enrollment. This program serves 329 students and costs $13.00 per student.
High Demand Career Fair
SSEF implemented the High Demand Career Fair to expose Riverwood and North Springs High School students to careers that hire students right out of high school, pay well, have many job opportunities, provide on-the-job training and opportunities for advancement, and/or allow the student to work and gain experience to help pay for college. This exposure will inspire students to pursue careers that will take them out of the cycle of poverty, without having to take on post-secondary educational debt. At our pilot event, we had 14 organizations and also staffed tables with volunteers to describe gap year and grant programs. Students reported via an exit survey that 98% learned about opportunities, 66% very satisfied, 91% were very satisfied or somewhat satisfied. Every single exhibit received a positive comment on the survey, including several volunteers by name. The program benefitted 192 students in the first year at a cost per student of $44.00. Learn more.